Happy New Year! Look Back to See What’s Ahead for Outride.

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2018-2019 WAS A BIG YEAR FOR US. We trained 50 new teachers. We ran programs in 30 states across the United States. We implemented a new phase of our curriculum involving STEM concepts and bike riding. 95% of our Riding for Focus students reported having FUN on their bikes. And more than 8 out of 10 students would participate in the program again and recommend Riding for Focus to a friend.

BEYOND THAT...We had 170 schools apply for a Riding for Focus grant for the 2019-20 grant cycle - more than double from 2018-19. 129 schools made it to the final round, and we awarded 41 grants, including 3 programs in Canada. That’s right, we are going international. Additionally, next year, 45 states will have Riding for Focus programs, making a total of 142 programs across North America, impacting 35,000 middle schoolers in the 2019-2020 academic year.

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Ariadne Scott