Students Pumped to Build Trails—Wheels and Stoke by Fat Tire Farm!

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Wy’east Middle School in Odell, Oregon in Hood River County is planning to fund the construction of a pump track for its new mountain biking class inspired by the success of a local track built a year ago. The proposed track would run around the perimeter of the school yard. Bikes and Bytes, the mountain biking course, was launched in the spring with help from Outride. The school was stoked to receive a slew of new mountain bikes from their Riding for Focus grant.

“Biking provides an outlet for kids during their day and, as my class is first period, it is a chance for them to start their day with some fresh air and exercise,” Science and Health Teacher Andrew Nelson shared. “We had a wide spectrum of abilities in our first group of Bikes and Bytes students and each kid was able to take ownership over his or her learning and make the class meaningful.” Nelson recalls a generally quiet student excel in the class by taking on the wooden obstacle course until they were able to maneuver it flawlessly.

The school bikes were assembled and delivered by Fat Tire Farm. Since 1985, the shop has been the premiere mountain bike shop in Portland, Oregon. Along with Fat Tire Farm Hood River, yes, they’ve got a large inventory of the best mountain bikes and service parts, but what makes the Farm special is the crew working there. Every last one of them is crazy about mountain biking. Every day they to share the stoke they get from riding trails. And--they are way deep into advocacy too supporting schools like Wy’East Middle School in Odell.

Read more, in the Hood River News. Learn more about Outride

Ariadne Scott