October is ADHD Awareness Month

Let’s Outride ADHD!

Watch our video and then Saddle Up.

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This month, We salute our Riding for Focus partner schools nationwide that have programs supporting more than 20,000 students, across 82 Programs, in 30 states. The program integrates cycling into the physical education curriculum as a means to help students achieve academic, health, and social success. We tip our helmets to EACH AND every one of our School Champions who dedicate endless time and energy to the students and bring our riding for focus program to life.

“…because cycling is a socially inclusive sport, the program offers a non-competitive option for children to stay active, improve brain function and sustain attention on certain tasks. To teach kids lifelong skills is really priceless”.

-Riding for Focus School Champion PE and Health Teacher Jacqueline Jensen-Gordon

Boeckman Middle School in Farmington, Minnesota

ADHD Awareness Month information and Resources:

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ADHD Awareness Month Organization

The organization theme this year is “Setting the Record Straight” to provide you with information about ADHD and research-supported practices brought to you by three coalition members— ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) and Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD).  The mission of ADHD Awareness Month is to educate the public about ADHD by disseminating reliable information based on the evidence of science and peer-reviewed research.

2018 Annual International Conference on ADHD, NovEMBER. 7-11, 2018

ADHD in the News—Read all about it:

Recharge Your Brain at Work with Exercise,


Business Insider, Reuters Health, September 14, 2018, by Cheryl Platzman Weinstock

Don’t Skip Gym: Physical Education Important to Learning Academic Success


Expert advice and podcast from Dr. John Ratey, associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School about the importance of physical exercise on brain development.

WRVO Public Media, Take Care, June 23, 2018.

Ariadne Scott